Daniel Daianu: Finance and democracy: a more complicated relationship than meets the eye

Note on the absorption of European funds

Daniel Daianu: National defense and the public budget in times of great danger

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the State Budget Law for 2025, the Social Security Budget Law for 2025 and the 2025-2027 Fiscal Strategy

The twin deficit syndrome - the case of Romania

Macroeconomic consequences of the war în Ukraine on Central and Eastern European Economies: A SVAR Analysis

Fiscal Council’s Preliminary Opinion on the State Budget Law for 2025, the Social Security Budget Law for 2025 and the 2025-2027 Fiscal Strategy

Position Note on the Public Budget and Fiscal Rules

Daniel Dăianu (chairman of the Romanian Fiscal Council), Horvath Gabor (chairman of the Hungarian Fiscal Council) and Mojmir Hampl (chairman of the Czech Fiscal Council), at the panel organized by the Hungarian Fiscal Council and the Central Bank of Hungary and moderated by Gyula Pleschinger (member of the Monetary Council, Central Bank of Hungary) – 26 November 2024, Budapest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_NqL9ySd1Y

Daniel Dăianu, 26 November 2024, Budapest: The Fiscal Question in Romania (talking points)

Acad. Daniel Daianu - Can the EU decline be prevented?

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the First Budget Revision for 2024

Annual Report, 2023

Acad. Daniel Daianu - Why national independent fiscal institutions need a macro-prudential thrust in their work

Acad. Daniel Daianu - Will the peace dividend fade away?

Analysis of the economic and financial performance of Romania’s state-owned companies in 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and National Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFIs) — a few thoughts

National Independent Fiscal Institutions Need to Be Stronger to Perform Effectively

Can artificial intelligence (AI) prevent financial crises?

Can artificial intelligence (AI) change economic logic (rationality) and bring abundance for all?

National Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFIs) need to be stronger, but they should be asked to do what they can deliver effectively -- a sober view on the national IFIs’ role in the EU fiscal framework --

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the State Budget Law for 2024, the Social Security Budget Law for 2024 and the 2024-2026 Fiscal Strategy

Fiscal Council’s Preliminary Opinion on the State Budget Law for 2024, the Social Security Budget Law for 2024 and the 2024-2026 Fiscal Strategy

Position Note regarding the Restriction of Public Expenditures

Annual Report, 2022

Debt and stability – some thoughts

Is the Dismal Science back?**

Rising public debts: why are markets so complacent?

Analysis of the economic and financial performance of Romania’s state-owned companies in 2021

The external imbalance: some remarks and conjectures

A New EU Economic Governance and Fiscal Framework: what role for the national IFIs?

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the State Budget Law for 2023, the Social Security Budget Law for 2023 and the 2023-2025 Fiscal-Budgetary Strategy

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the second budget revision for 2022

Fiscal Council’s preliminary Opinion on the draft of the second budget revision for 2022

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the First Budget Revision for 2022

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the draft Government Ordinance for the amendment and completion of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, the repeal of some normative acts and other fiscal measures

Annual Report, 2021

Is the Dismal Science back?

Budget Consolidation And Higher Fiscal Revenues - A Vital Need For Romania's Stability And Economic Security

Press Release, On The Analysis: "Budget Consolidation And Increasing Tax Revenues - A Vital Need For Romania's Stability And Economic Security"

Analysis of the economic and financial performance of Romania’s state-owned companies in 2020

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for amending and completing the Law no. 61/1993 on the republished state child allowance – b524/2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for completing the Law no. 95/2006 on health care reform republished and for modification of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 114/2018 regarding establishing public investment and fiscal measures, amending and supplementing regulations and extending deadlines – b531/2021

Opinion of the Fiscal Council on the Law on the state budget for 2022, the Law on the social security budget for 2022 and the Fiscal-budgetary strategy for the period 2022-2024

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the second budget revision for 2021

Fiscal Council’s preliminary Opinion on the draft of the second budget revision for 2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for amending the Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code – b515/2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for amending and complementing Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code – b478/2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for amending and completing the Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code – b416/2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal - Law amending and complementing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 114/2018 on the establishment of measures in the field of public investments and fiscal-budgetary measures, amendment and completion of some normative acts and extension of deadlines - b490/19.10.2021

Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for amending and complementing the framework Law no. 153/2017 on the remuneration of staff paid from public funds - b438/29.09.2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for amending the Law no. 422/2001 on the Protection of Historical Monuments – b520/05.11.2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal for amending and complementing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 226/2020 on some fiscal-budgetary measures and for amending and complementing some normative acts and extending certain deadlines - b409/2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal - Law for amending the Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code – b399/2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal on amending Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code – b389/02.09.2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the First Budget Revision for 2021

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the State Budget Law, the Social Security Budget Law for 2021 and the 2021-2023 Fiscal Strategy

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Third Budget Revision for 2020

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal on amending and supplementing Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code - L676 / 2020 (extension of fiscal facilities for constructions in the shipbuilding sector)

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Second Budget Revision for 2020

Limits and pitfalls of QE in emerging markets

Fiscal Council’s preliminary Opinion on the draft of the second budget revision for 2020

Annual Report, 2020

Annual Report, 2019

Opinion of the Fiscal Council on the legislative proposal regarding the establishment of measures aimed at stimulating the activity and mitigating the effects of the health crisis in the tourism sector


Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the draft Budget Revision for 2020

Analysis of the economic and financial performance of Romania’s state-owned companies in 2018

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the State Budget Law and the Social Security Budget Law for 2020

Preliminary opinion of the Fiscal Council on the State Budget Law and the Social Security budget Law for 2020

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Fiscal Strategy for 2020-2022

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft of the Second Budget Revision for 2019

Daniel Daianu: comments on “Reigniting growth in emerging market and low income economies; what role for structural policies”, by Davide Furceri et.al, IMF, October 2019 (NBR, Bucharest, October 15th, 2019)

Talking points at the High Policy Level Conference on: "Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Discipline", EUI, Florence, 23 Sept 2019

Annual Report, 2018

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2019 and on the Mid-Year Report regarding the Economic and Budgetary Situation

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the updated version of Fiscal Strategy for 2019-2021 and the draft Government Ordinance for approving the ceilings of certain indicators

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the State Budget Law, Social Insurance Budget Law for 2019 and Fiscal Strategy for 2019-2021

Impact of the change in taxation of company earnings in Romania between 2015-2018

Fiscal Council’s Opinions in 2018

Addendum to the Fiscal Council’s Preliminary Opinion on the Second Supplementary Budget Draft for 2018

Fiscal Council's Preliminary Opinion on the Second Supplementary Budget Draft for 2018

Fiscal Council's opinion on the draft law amending the Fiscal Responsibility Law no. 69/2010

Analysis of the economic and financial performance of Romania’s state owned companies in 2017

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the updated version of Draft Budget Revision for 2018

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2018 and the Half-Year Report Regarding the Economic and Budgetary Situation

Annual Report, 2017

Fiscal Council’s Opinions in 2017

Analysis of the economic and financial performance of Romania’s state owned companies in 2016

Addendum to Fiscal Council’s preliminary opinion on the State Budget Law, Social Insurance Budget Law for 2018 and Fiscal Strategy for 2018-2020

Fiscal Council’s preliminary opinion on the State Budget Law and Social Insurance Budget Law for 2018

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Second Supplementary Budget Draft for 2017

Fiscal Council's opinion on the draft Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2017 and the Half-Year Report Regarding the Economic and Budgetary Situation

Annual Report, 2016

Fiscal Council’s Opinions in 2016

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the State Budget Law, the Social Insurance Budget Law for 2017 and the Fiscal Strategy for 2017-2019

Fiscal Council’s preliminary opinion on the State Budget Law and Social Insurance Budget Law for 2017

Analysis of the economic and financial performance of Romania’s state owned companies in 2015

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the legislative proposal regarding the functioning of the Romanian Development Bank – EximBank S.A.

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Second Budget Revision for 2016

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the amendments introduced by the Report adopted by the Parliament on the Law approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 20/2016 for amending and supplementing GEO no. 57/2015 regarding the remuneration of staff paid from public funds in 2016

Annual Report, 2015

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2016 and the Half-Year Report Regarding the Economic and Budgetary Situation

Public spending efficiency - some facts

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the legislative proposal amending and supplementing Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the Romanian Government’s initiative regarding "The hedging policy by the Romanian state of the risks related to Romanian investment abroad and exports to new markets outside the European Union"

Fiscal Council’s Opinions in 2015

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the State Budget Law, the Social Insurance Budget Law for 2016 and the Fiscal Strategy for 2016-2018

Annual Report, 2014

The Fiscal Council’s opinion on the draft Emergency Ordinance regarding the regulation of some fiscal measures (reduction of the personal income tax for dividends revenue, extending the application scope of the reduced VAT rate of 9% for delivery of potable water and irrigation water for agriculture)

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Second Supplementary Budget Draft for 2015

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2015

Fiscal Responsibility and the New Fiscal Code

The Fiscal Council’s response to the request of the Department of Economic and Social Policies of the Presidential Administration

The new fiscal code – economic context and impact on the budget

Delivering with limited resources: issues facing small-size IFIs: The experience of the Romanian Fiscal Council

The Fiscal Council’s opinion on title II, art. II, of the draft Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing certain legislative acts (extending the application scope of the reduced VAT rate of 9% for retransmission services of television programs through electronic communications networks)

The Fiscal Council’s opinion on the draft Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing Law no. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code (extending the application scope of the reduced VAT rate of 9% for food products and restaurant services)

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the draft revision of the Fiscal Code

SMEs in Romania – some structural issues

Fiscal Council’s Opinions in 2014

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the State Budget Law, the Social Insurance Budget Law for 2015 and the Fiscal Strategy for 2015-2017

Fiscal Council’s preliminary opinion on the State Budget Law and Social Insurance Budget Law for 2015

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Third Supplementary Budget for 2014

Annual Report, 2013

Fiscal competitiveness issues in Romania

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Second Supplementary Budget for 2014

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Half-Year Report Regarding the Economic and Budgetary Situation and Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2014

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the draft Government Emergency Ordinance amending Law no. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code (the reduction of the employer’s social security contribution by 5 pp)

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the draft Government Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing the Law no. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code (granting a special deduction to income tax calculation for restructured loans)

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the draft Government Emergency Ordinance amending art. 19 of Law no. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code (profit tax exemption for reinvested profits)

Fiscal Council’s Opinions in 2013

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the State Budget Law, Social Insurance Budget Law for 2014 and the updated version of the 2014-2016 Fiscal Strategy

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Second Supplementary Budget for 2013

Annual Report, 2012

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Half-Year Report Regarding the Economic and Budgetary Situation and Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2013

Fiscal Council's Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2013

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the Fiscal Strategy for 2014-2016

Fiscal Council's opinion on the revised Fiscal Strategy for 2013-2015

Fiscal Council opinion on the State Budget law, Social Insurance Budget law for 2013 and the updated version of the 2013-2015 Fiscal Strategy

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Second Supplementary Budget for 2012

Revisiting the economic growth model in Romania – some lessons from the crisis

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the Half-Year Report regarding the economic and budgetary situation and Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Draft Budget Revision for 2012

Fiscal Council's opinion on the Fiscal Strategy for 2013-2015

Annual Report, 2011

The European fiscal compact. Implications for Romania.

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the state budget and social insurance Budget laws for 2012

Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Second Supplementary Budget in 2011

Annual Report, 2010

Romania, macroeconomic outlook and fiscal policy issues

Fiscal Council’s opinion on the state budget and social insurance Budget laws for 2011