July 23rd 2024

      Why national independent fiscal institutions need a macro-prudential thrust in their work

June 27th 2024

      Will the peace dividend fade away?

April 3rd 2024

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) and National Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFIs) — a few thoughts

March 28th 2024

      National Independent Fiscal Institutions Need to Be Stronger to Perform Effectively

February 12th 2024

      Can artificial intelligence (AI) prevent financial crises?

January 22nd 2024

      Can artificial intelligence (AI) change economic logic (rationality) and bring abundance for all?

January 18th 2024

    National Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFIs) need to be stronger, but they should be asked to do what they can deliver effectively -- a sober view on the national IFIs’ role in the EU fiscal framework --

August 25th 2023

    Debt and stability – some thoughts

August 23th 2023

    Is the Dismal Science back?**

August 2nd 2023

      Rising public debts: why are markets so complacent? 

February 27th 2023

      The external imbalance: some remarks and conjectures 

February 9th 2023

      A New EU Economic Governance and Fiscal Framework: what role for the national IFIs? 

June 23rd 2022

      Is the Dismal Science back? 

August 24th 2020

      Limits and pitfalls of QE in emerging markets

May 19th 2020


October 15th 2019

    Daniel Daianu: comments on “Reigniting growth in emerging market and low income economies; what role for structural policies”, by Davide Furceri et.al, IMF, October 2019 (NBR, Bucharest, October 15th, 2019)

September 23th 2019

    Talking points at the High Policy Level Conference on: "Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Discipline", EUI, Florence, 23 Sept 2019

June 14th 2016

      Public spending efficiency - some facts

July 22nd 2015

      Fiscal Responsibility and the New Fiscal Code

June 24th 2015

      The new fiscal code – economic context and impact on the budget

June 24th 2015

      Delivering with limited resources: issues facing small-size IFIs: The experience of the Romanian Fiscal Council

March 31st 2015

      SMEs in Romania – some structural issues

October 9th 2014

      Fiscal competitiveness issues in Romania

September 11th 2012

    Revisiting the economic growth model in Romania – some lessons from the crisis

February 8th 2012

    The European fiscal compact. Implications for Romania.

March 8th 2011

    Romania, macroeconomic outlook and fiscal policy issues.

August 11th 2010

    The public finances in Romania - international comparisons

    The Fiscal Council in Romania